CSS Selectors Cheatsheet




Universal Selector

Select all the elements in the HTML document.

                            background-color: #d2691e;

ID Selector

Select unique element with the specific id attribute.

                            background-color: #c1988b;

Class Selector

Select elements with the specific class attribute.

                            border: 2px solid #00bfff;

Element Selector

Select all elements with the specified element name.

                            text-decoration: none;
                            padding: 2rem;

Attribute Selector

select HTML elements that contains specific attributes.

                            margin: 3rem auto;

Descendant Selector

Select elements that are nested within other HTML elements

                        header h1{
                            background-color: #ffa07a;

Adjacent Selector

Select elements which is directly after another specific element.

                        ul li{
                            padding: 1.5rem;